Sunday, August 19, 2007

More Physical than Cognitive by biggs mama

Today was a big day for Biggie. He had his first shower in 38 days! His nurse Alice suggested it, and he seemed quite pleased by the prospect. She arranged for a waterproof gurney, somewhat similar to an outdoor lounge, but much higher. We rolled him into a shower room, and he really enjoyed the experience. Afterwards he napped.

He enjoyed his visitors today, mostly nodding to questions, but few if any attempts to verbally respond. Later this afternoon he spent about 1 1/2 hrs in the stryker chair, a very sophisticated appliance that converts from a gurney to a chair. He worked on adjusting his position, trying to use his legs to move his body around. He would drop his right foot off the footrest and then pick it back up! Earluer he was also able to lift his left leg back up onto the bed after slipping it over the side. After periods of exertion or stimulation, he tends to sleep. His breathing is very good, and I'm hopeful they will remove the trach tube tomorrow. I'm also hopeful that he will be transferred to Fanny Allen tomorrow as well.

I wanted to take a minute to thank each of you who respond with comments to the blog. It's really encouraging to read your comments, as it spurs me to continue writing. Thank you for your input and the many offers of assistance.


Anonymous said...

it's so wonderful to hear that john is doing so well. when i saw him on friday he was very responsive with me, smiling and holding my hand. at one point i let a few tears fall & john reached his left arm up and held my face in his hand. it felt so wonderful to see him & know that he is coming back to us. do you know if we can visit him once he goes to fanny allen?

Anonymous said...

Reading your last blog cast a huge smile on my face this morning. It is great to hear that John is responding and seems to be starting rehab on his own! I plan to come back up to Burlington this upcoming weekend and would also like to visit John in Fanny Allen if possible. I will call his cell phone to determine what time is available if that still works best for his family. Best regards, Shawna

Anonymous said...

Your posts are our direct link to John out here in Colorado. I know many people out here that wait for your posts every day. Thanks so much for doing it and please keep it up. Hearing about the progress he is making gives rise to the hope that we all have for his full recovery.

sexualharrison said...

so can i come visit? please let me know.

Anonymous said...

Please, Please keep writing Mama Biggs...We love to hear the updates direct from the source. It's hard to get any info otherwise in California...

Biggs Mama said...

For All your comments:
Thank you all for your encouragement. I appreciate every word. He's allowed two visitors at a time, so just use good judgement to not over stimulate or tire him out...

Anonymous said...

I am so grateful for this progress blog. AND so happy with Johns progress.

I want to thank all the family for writing. It means alot to be able to check in daily and know whats new.
