Wednesday, August 22, 2007


rerturned from 3 nights at home (highlights-- brer bear bear eating my big red hen and a mushroom foray into NH's biggest white cedaar swamp) to visit with biggie right after a wheelchair trek outside as his afternoon PT. He was non talking but fed himself with a fork ( I never had ny doubt he could master eating again.) He nodded to virtually all questions including weather or not I could fly. (I was stretching after my long trek and asked if I could fly and he agreed) I was asked to pick up some of his own clothes from his 'apartment" for PT/OT. I will observe all rehab sessions today and have his phone so call if you can and if time is right I put it to his ear.

1 comment:

Precision Rain said...

Some Vermont air would do ANYONE good! Glad to hear that he's able to get out for a bit.

Keep it up, John...

John & Carm